This is a really good question, and furthermore it's one that I think all musicians/producers/etc. should ask themselves often. It's good to reflect on why you're here and why you do what you do, without reflecting on that you can become really lost in the superficial things.
I'm here because I really really love it. I started making music while on vacation with my family when I was 16 (22 years old now), and I feel like the whole time I was just smiling and laughing because it felt so cool to be MAKING a song. I've listened to tons of music all my life, music has always been really important to me.. so being able to make music, my own music with my own message, was really exciting to me. As I've continued on I think my intent has shifted here and there, but it's only ever shifted to a different message, it's never shifted to doing it for money or fame.
I think if you are motivated by things that have an attainable "end", then you're eventually bound to fall.. If I was motivated to just make millions, and then I did, why would I make music anymore? That's why I choose to make it because I love it, because that's something that can never run dry