Author Topic: DJs Mental Problems: Anxiety Struggles, How to cope up with Anxiety?  (Read 11000 times)

Sebas Ramos

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One year ago, in this exact day, my entire life changed. I remember that I was recovering from a Hangover I had last night as always, however my head started to shake, it didn't stop for a long time so I started to become desperate till I had my first panic attack, it was the first time that I was experiencing Anxiety, but I didn't know that's why I panicked. From that day on, I have been coping with Anxiety. I suffered a lot of ugly physical symptoms such as irritation on my eyes, constipation, vertigo, etc. I was so scared and weak, that I thought that I was going to become blind, and everytime something happened, I felt into despair. I thought that I was going to become crazy and nothing will be the same anymore. However, as time passed by I began to understand Anxiety and how can I live with it and make it dissapear. The thing is that Anxiety appears because your mind becomes exhausted, that's why it makes you feel paranoic, hopeless and experience those horrible symptoms to tell you that you have to change the way you live or see things. If you want to beat it, you'll have to learn to live your life normally with it, if you keep fighting Anxiety it will only get worse. Accept the way you feel, do not complain about it or analyze it. Learn to feel relaxed no matter what happens, and one important advice for my fellow musicians, if you feel that the music is not working, then start finding other things that will fill your emptiness. I have learned that a bad thing from being a producer is that you can miss a lot of things, and sometimes we forget that were also human beings, and we need basic things such as love, attention and fun. I want to share with you a proyect I made that it was inspired on my Anxiety experience (Fact: I made Drowned Caverns in Agony, Pain & Despair).

It's about a long journey from the bottom of the sea to the surface that will heal you and one important advice: DO NOT MIX MUSIC WITH DRUGS. An important reason why I felt to Anxiety it's because I was working hard in music while every weekend I got waisted with alcohol to the point I lost consciousness. You have to be understand that you use a lot of Mental Energy to create music and Drugs lows a lot more your Mental Energy so it can be really dangerous, be careful! I
 recommend you to read At Last A Life by Paul David, it's a good book that will it help you a lot and if you have more questions about Anxiety, the time I was suffering with Anxiety I would have loved that someone with experience could help me, so I'm here to help :)


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Re: DJs Mental Problems: Anxiety Struggles, How to cope up with Anxiety?
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2018, 08:06:19 pm »
Shit. I haven't been here for a LONG time. Anyway. I agree with everything you said there. Please DON'T make the music a first and most important thing in your life. It WILL backfire.
"Earth is round right? Look at it from right angle and you'll be always on top of the world."
...but don't overdo it, because that's called being a d***k.