I'm relatively inexperienced with music production, but I have started devoting more time than ever into music, and I think there are a lot of people on here with some very good knowledge that could be useful to others, even if it isn't useful to me. Experience level doesn't
really matter, because we can all learn from each other!
I think this thread could live on, staying useful for a while, so here's they way this should work:
1. The first and most useful tip you have for any producer, new or experienced. If it's specific to a DAW or a VST plugin, be sure to make note of that. If it requires any other prior knowledge, mention that, too.
2. Any other tips you might have! Don't feel restricted by the
"top three" in the title, that's just a recommendation!
3. You know what I value more than materialistic things?
Knowledge.I'd like to hear what general tips you have for me, and for everyone else on this forum!
- Noah
EDIT: I'm really glad this thread took off, both in it's original location in Sound Design, and it's current location! I've seen replies from producers I've followed and respected in the past, and I've read even more from some of you who I'm interested in, now! I'll have to start another thread in this format and see what else you guys know! I might make a video or something (once this thread eventually dies down) to collect some of the best advice you've given here! I've been checking back frequently and I've read some tips in particular that really struck with me. Thanks again for making this thread such a success, and for both of the times it's been pinned! We're currently almost at 50 replies, all of which contain useful input!