Author Topic: NI Massive/FL Studio: Panning 'noise' knob or panning specific frequency?  (Read 5391 times)

Kenny Troy

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Hey guys, I've been searching endlessly and toying around with FL and Massive but have had no luck with this..

I have two atmosphere pads layered, and on one of them I want to pan a specific frequency (400-500hz) across the stereo field.

First I thought I should find a way to pan specific frequencies within FL, and I did read somewhere that this was possible but I have had no luck finding how to do this or with my experiments.

Second, I thought I would try to pan the 'noise' function within Massive by browsing parameters, linking, then creating an automation clip and etc. Haven't been successful with their either.

I haven't taken ADSR's Massive (or Serum) masterclass yet.. gotta get on that

Any thoughts or suggestions?

Appreciate it guys, thanks!
« Last Edit: August 24, 2016, 04:21:14 pm by Kenny Troy »


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Here's a somewhat convoluted method (though I'm on a mac so I can't verify it):

Open massive inside Patcher (or just route it to a mixer channel and open an effects Patcher), then route its output through three instances of Maximus, where each is set to that the Mid band is in that 400-500 Hz range. Now go in and solo either the Lo, Mid, or Hi band of each Maximus - one per instance. Add some stereo imaging or panning plugins after the mid-only maximus, and then send them all back out to FL studio as one summed signal.

Voila! Band-specific imaging.

The same technique can be applied to any other band-specific processing you want to do inside FL studio.


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hmmm any particular reason why you only want to pan 400-500Hz?  that's a pretty narrow field and seems quite random?

You could just duplicate your track.....EQ out everything except the frequency range you want then stick a tremolo plug in on - set to wide then it will pan it side to side. Or do that method above!


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I'd say EQ out what you want then duplicate the track, pan one left, pan one right and have a track delay on one of them at around 12ms.