Sound Design / Re: EQing in white noise with supersaw chords, advice?
« on: October 02, 2016, 02:44:12 pm »
Never, EVER just layer things for the sake of layering them. As said before, it'll make the sound muddier, but it'll also drastically reduce the amount of headroom you have to work with, meaning your sound ultimately won't be as loud as it could be, as well as giving you more unnecessary variables to worry about.
Keep it simple.
With the right synth, one layer of saws + noise should be all you need. If you must, I could see 2-3 layers in different bands, with different unison settings (getting noisier as they get higher), but Harmor can map unison width to frequency anyway (since it uses additive synthesis). Other than that, see the other posts here.
Keep it simple.
With the right synth, one layer of saws + noise should be all you need. If you must, I could see 2-3 layers in different bands, with different unison settings (getting noisier as they get higher), but Harmor can map unison width to frequency anyway (since it uses additive synthesis). Other than that, see the other posts here.