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Messages - track7

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A spot for artists to meet like-minded people to collaborate with, or offer to do remixes and so on.. and also a spot for mixing/mastering guys to offer their free services to get off the ground. I'm currently looking for talented artists to mix free of charge for my portfolio, so obviously would be a huge help! All the best


Really liking this sound.

Sound Design / Re: Sound degradation techniques
« on: March 02, 2016, 01:01:22 am »
I like doing this the more traditional way, some distortion.. an odd reverb or scooping all the lows/highs out. Not a fan of bitcrushing as a whole, but depends on the genre.

Sound Design / Re: What's your opinion on Presets ?
« on: March 02, 2016, 12:58:00 am »
Keep it musical, if that basic preset sounds better than the more unique sounds you tried then go with it. Don't get stuck in that place where you're just doing things differently for the sake of it without thinking of the track; people can hear that right away.

Sound Design / Re: Saturation or distorted signals
« on: March 02, 2016, 12:51:46 am »
Regarding the buss, a few mastering engineers (or the ones I worked with) use harmonic distortion to add a little more meat to the track. It just makes things a little louder and more musical, I like using some distortion on the deeper melodic elements.. or something which just needs more grit/roughness to it.

Often. But imagine you were on stage every night for a month, doing the same lines over and over like actors have to - bringing that emotion every time and barely getting noticed.

Composition/Arrangement/Theory / Re: How do you define overproducing?
« on: March 02, 2016, 12:43:09 am »
I think the most exteme version of overproducing (when you get more experienced) is when you lose the feel/vibe/musicality of the first demos.. or change the track in some drastic, lazy way to fit a more mainstream style for example. (e.g. limiting the hell out of your track without listening properly)

The more time you spend on something, the more you can squeeze the soul out of it, lose the musicality etc. Many, many songs (successful or not) are overproduced, and it's getting ridiculous. I say keep it raw, keep it close to what you initially wanted to do.

Don't get into a pattern of approaching everything the same way, this is a creative art.. not a factory line.

I'm not a lyric writer, but for me.. great lyrics are those which get the point across very quickly. I don't want to hear you saying something vague for 20 bars, give us some information.. something which can stick in peoples' heads, make them confront an issue or feel better about themselves.

1. Turn it down - turn down your music to volumes which would normally be a bit too quiet, see how your music sounds at those volumes compared to other tracks; preserve your ears in the process.

2. Grow as a person and set goals - figure out where you stand and figure out what you want to do with your music. Be honest with yourself and others.

3. Don't be afraid to get second opinions before you release things, and don't be afraid to collaborate. There is much to learn from other artists' processes (as they will always differ to yours) and there's a lot to learn from the way your friends will hear/percieve your music.

You need to stay aware of the world around you.. otherwise your music won't relate to it enough to be noticed.

Listen to whole different genre than you'd normally like.. could be anything from 50s big bands to country, heavy metal etc or even pop, ambient, a soundtrack for a video game.. anything. Forget producing and get back to listening and enjoying.

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