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Messages - jaefit

Pages: [1]
Hi Everyone,

Doing a remix competition and would love your thoughts on this. Feedback on any elements is greatly appreciated but mostly concerned about the drop right now. I've been working on it so long I need some perspective on whether it makes sense haha.


« on: April 15, 2017, 04:15:18 pm »
Cool style! Yea, drums in the intro sound a lil weird to me and then the hits in the buildup are huge compared to some of the other parts. Really like that bassline though in the drop but I feel like the kicks get lost in it.

WIPs / Re: Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!
« on: April 11, 2017, 03:13:55 pm »
Good start, man. It's super quiet though. Could be cool as an interlude as-is. If you want to take it further maybe try to play the chords on a keyboard or something, make some hits with some crash cymbals, etc. and see where that takes you.

Hey Guys, looking forward to being more active here. Looking forward to getting and giving feedback and learning from you all!

Mixing/Mastering / Re: Stereo Width
« on: January 06, 2016, 02:57:54 am »
Ooohh, follow up question: What are your favorite methods for stereo widening in Ableton?

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