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Topics - R3Mington

Pages: [1] 2
Samples/Plugins/Software/Gear / rekordbox + rekordbox video
« on: October 12, 2016, 05:58:03 pm »
if i were to purchase a copy of rekordbox but i want to use rekordbox video, do i need to buy one and then the other? like an expansion pack?

or can i just buy separate?

anyone have any experience with this?

Composition/Arrangement/Theory / what genre is this?
« on: September 21, 2016, 06:23:23 pm »
i didnt know where else to put this and im having trouble distinguishing what type of genre this is for my set.

future house?
deep house?

thanks for the info. id like to look up more songs like this as well which is why im curious

Composition/Arrangement/Theory / question about dynamic range
« on: August 19, 2016, 09:49:02 pm »
question about dynamic range.

basically as edm producers we are EQing and compressing synths,instruments or samples to be condensed to a certain section of the spectrum / dynamic range.

what are the best ways to handle this and fill certain spectrum's with certain frequencies or instruments?
is it a general consensus that a song should cover an entire spectrum in relation to human hearing (i forgot what the actual theory is called - i.e cutting lower sub frequencies because it muddies the mix and vice versa top)

thanks for the comments and help

Composition/Arrangement/Theory / Am i supposed to compress every layer?
« on: August 11, 2016, 05:20:00 am »
and if so why?

i understand the mechanics behind compression but am i only supposed to compress the master track or compress individual layers as well and why


Suggestions / subforum for buying/selling used equipment
« on: July 30, 2016, 11:28:14 pm »

just thought it would be useful.

Ok you have successfully synthesized a bassline and its fire...

how do you pick a melodic sound / chord sounds based off that?

do you re synthesize the sound so its basically the same sound as the bassline with slightly different qualities so it sounds concise?

thank you.

Composition/Arrangement/Theory / Layers of a song - explanation?
« on: June 27, 2016, 08:05:37 pm »
I understand i have to have the main layers of a song

1. Bassline
2. Melody
3. Chords
4. Percussion
5. FX

but can anyone explain to me why most songs include stabs and what the premise is behind them?

it seems as when you only have these 5 layers everything is bland.

how can i fill empty space with melodic / harmonic types of sounds. what belongs in that empty space?

i understand that there is no cut and dry answer but some explanation could help


looking for percussion packs for these styles of music. looking for newer style packs. not too worried about the $$ just more curious on recommendations for percussive packs. keep getting recommended to cymatics but theyre mainly geared towards trap

thank you!

Composition/Arrangement/Theory / EQ cuts / EQ
« on: May 18, 2016, 02:07:59 am »
is there somewhere i can look for relative EQ cuts?

ex. kicks should be cut here? is there a table i can look at ?

if im making a song with a closed hat i like. should i be using multiple closed hats for variation or the same one pitched up and arp'd etc

Sound Design / Piano Vst -have a voucher for native instruments
« on: May 17, 2016, 02:06:19 am »
whats a good vst that could recreate this piano. i know its simple but i just want that piano or something similar to have a piano. i dont have a piano vst and i have a voucher for native instruments

i am using maschine studio and bouncing out .wav to arrange in Live.
which is pretty standard.

I was previously bouncing out audio and there wasnt any distortion is was perfect
now theres distortion, any idea of whats going on? i havent changed anything

just taking thoughts right now, thanks

(i can post pictures later when i get home from work)

could you guys point me in the right direction? maybe show some pattern pictures so that i could start getting the feel for it?

its different trying to separate it but im trying to recreate some future/hip hop/trap style drum patterns but im having trouble understanding the patterns with everything on top.


just how to make all sorts of different sounds. what are some good tutorials for it

they can be different videos
and i understand learning massive is different then learning wave synthesis in general, so if you can point me to both of those it would be great.


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