« on: June 19, 2016, 05:04:17 pm »
I didn't see a thread for this so I decided to start one.
Who is your inspiration? What makes you want to make music today?
My inspiration is Flume. When I first heard his music I had no clue what EDM was or anything of the dance music realm. Later I met who became a good friend of mine today that introduced me to this music. I had given up on music (I planned to major in music after high school, but my percussion instructor kind of ruined it for me). Long-story short, I found "EDM" through a friend and him and I decided to start producing. He's currently out in LA right now about to start attending Icon Collective with a few of his new friends he met up there (they're fucking awesome producers. Already demoing shit, etc.)
ANYWAYS (I'm rambling) I found this genre of music and knew I had to be apart of it. I love Flume's sound. It's like his sound is exactly what I'm looking for with my own twist. He has some crazy little percussion breaks that I love. His chords, sounds he chooses, everything is truly incredible. It reminds me of myself when I was just tinkering around on an instrument back in band (I liked to hack as a percussionist, lol) finding some weird sounds on a instrument that were out of the ordinary. It was really fun just "making noise."
That's enough about myself as I felt I've already rambled around too much.
What about you guys? Who inspired you to produce today, what kind of background are you coming from?