Samples/Plugins/Software/Gear / Does anyone still use Nexus 2 anymore?
« on: February 04, 2017, 08:29:10 am »
I just bought it myself a week ago. I also just bought Kontakt also but will not be purchasing any kontakt libraries for about the next 3-4 weeks because I'm strapped for cash lol. But I managed to get some free hip hop and semi trap libraries for Nexus to fill the void and learn the ins and outs of Nexus. I looked around several different producer threads and now they just talk about it as if it's old news. It seems like there isn't much you can do to get the New Wave rap sound or the all to common Atlanta Trap sound that everyone is gunning for. So far in my 3-4 hours of playing around with it, the only type of beats that Nexus seems to cater to would be Chicago drill beats and the old trap beats. So I guess my main question is, is have any of you guys got anything productive done recently with the help of Nexus? And should I keep chugging with Nexus or just focus on Kontakt and maybe Omnisphere in the future?