You're reference point is the key of the song that you're in.
Given that, there's frequencies that are associated with the key of the song that you need to be aware of to best make use of an EQ.
Look up a frequency chart of orchestra instruments and then replicate that with synthesizers.
I don't see why you'd want to fill up the the song with just a ton of crap that probably will make the mixing more complicated.
Sounds like you should be focusing on the sound source before you start worrying about mixing. Treatment and source selection really make or break the modern sound or creates the sound you're looking for.
I am starting to believe that, sample packs are designed specifically to have that modern loudness already involved in the song, and the master just accentuates certain aspects about the mix.
ok so if im following you correctly a key of a song i.e A minor - would have the range of 240hz - whatever as an example and that would best be filled with synths and instruments that fill that sector in relation to less is more (you dont want to just fill it up if you dont have to)
where would i find a chart like that? i guess i dont really understand where you would get that type of information